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You work hard to make your organization successful. Let us help develop a well-designed benefit plan for continuation of your success. We are experts in medical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement plans, and international benefits.

Art Young Insurance brokerage services will help your company:

  • Assess the competitive landscape to find the best value for your company employee benefit plan.

  • Comply with current employee benefit plan laws and regulations.

  • Ensure your employee benefit plans meet your organizational goals and objectives. Our plans are within strict adherence to federal and state regulations, requirements, and standards. We ensure compliance now and in the future.

  • Determine the best funding approach to meet your employee benefit plan objectives. Through meticulous research, our suggestions for cost effective health insurance and retirement plans will meet your goals.

  • Select vendors who provide the best comprehensive service to your employees. Our vendor recommendations include health insurance provider networks and investment choices to meet your objectives.

  • Support all applicable employee benefit plan written communications and implementation meetings.

  • Provide ongoing assistance for health insurance service and claim issues. We take care of all eligibility related items, employee changes, and billing questions.

  • Assist in the development of Personnel Policies and Guidelines. We are experts in managing government requirements such as Cobra and Family Leave.

  • Provide ongoing consultation with acquisitions and divestitures. From a few employees to thousands, local or worldwide, our services scale to any situation.



HMO's, PPO's, FSA's, HSA's, group coverage, individual coverage: What does it all mean? Workers generally rank health care as the most important benefit. It is almost always the most expensive benefit for both employers and employees. Our agency can help you sort through the various options to select the right plan(s) for you, your employees, and their families. We can help you select plans which include providers people currently use, and plans which have met the highest quality and member satisfaction standards. We will assist you with the enrollment process, and support employee meetings as needed. We can also arrange coverage for employees who may reside in other geographic areas.


Dental & Vision Insurance is a popular benefit in the California marketplace. We can help you develop competitive coverage, and then test the marketplace to ensure that you have a good program at a relatively affordable price. We will also work with you to review the various provider networks to make sure that there is a good match between provider networks and current service providers utilized.


We are prepared to assist you with your life insurance needs, both individual and group, term and permanent insurance. We will develop a detailed analysis so that you have a competitive program, which adequately meets your employee needs, as well as shop for competitive prices. After you have selected a plan, we will provide support for the enrollment process, and employee meetings as needed.


Disability can be a truly catastrophic event. It is confusing too, in that benefits may be payable from sick leave, vacation, state disability insurance, social security, and long term disability plans. Some of these benefits are taxable, and some are not. We can help you design a long term disability plan which provides adequate protection for your employees, integrate with the other sources of income listed above, and still provide incentives for people to return to work when they can. A competitive long term disability plan usually pays 60-70% of pre-disability income, and can often be purchased for less than 1% of covered payroll. A well-designed disability plan can also accommodate rehabilitation of people back to work.


The current discussions about changes being proposed to the Social Security system, along with recent publicity about the mutual fund industry, are generating a lot of interest in retirement plans. Indeed, retirement plans and planning are becoming more of a recruiting tool as employees and prospective employees focus more on this area.


But the retirement area is complicated, there are choices between defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans, between SEP's, IRA's, and 401(k) plans, and Profit Sharing Plans. Plans can be designed for employee contributions, for employer contributions, or for matching approaches. We can help you analyze the different approaches, and decide on a plan design which fits your budget and organizational culture.


We can then research and manage the vendor selection process, providing comparisons of the leading candidates. We will assist in the employee meetings and enrollment process, and deal with ongoing problem resolution. We will also provide an annual review.


All of these steps will be helpful in meeting government fiduciary standards.


Once you have started to generate sufficient sales activity, (and perhaps manufacturing and support) outside of the United States, you face issues regarding local staffing. Should you use expatriates, or local country nationals?

There are significant issues relating to tax equalization, works councils (unions), international pension plans and differing social security systems, some with reciprocity. In many countries, the health care system is part of the government. Also, competitive compensation practices vary by country.

With years of experience in over 40 countries around the world, we can help you establish a local presence efficiently.


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